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  • jovestreeter

Visiting the remote islands of Endless 58-58N

Updated: May 25, 2020

My goal is to allow everyone of my readers to get a sense of what they will find when they visit and explore some of the terrific sims you can find here. One of my first assignments was to find out what was the allure was on one of the furthest points in SL, Endless 58-58N The Island named after the coordinates of Kirkwall the main urban center of its sister Island the Orkney Islands.

As I approached the tiny Island this was the veiw that greeted me through the airplane window. It was early morning and I had a lot to see and discover.

Leaving the plane, I went for a walk along one of the high trails, The views were truly fantastic, livestock roamed freely, and a wide variety of birds filled the sky's.

As the sun started to rise I made way down one of the wooden steps that led to an amazing beach. A well worn lifeguard tower proved to be an excellent observation post to watch the sun come up. I opened my bag and grabbed one of my sandwiches, and a cup of hot coffee That I had brought in a thermos from The Burrows Coffee shop.

I made my way up from beach and headed to the only home on the Island. A shed was open and I had the opportunity to look around, It looked liked a place were musicians from the mainland came to jam. If you visit take sometime and look around I will bet if these walls could talk. Is your countrys flag on the wall? Whilst I was there I met Ale, who like me had dropped in to do some exploring.

The house was open and a lot of things were left for the traveler to discover and use. By now it was 10 am, and a good time for a glass of wine!

Ale was both lovely, and charming, but if I was to complete my assignment I would have to say goodbye and keep on looking round.

Just a short walk from the home was a set of steps that led down a very steep cliff, walkway down the steps I found that the folks who lived here had left a telescope, look carefully and you can just see the tip of houses roof from here. I also herd a strange sound coming from the beach below, What could that be!

The sun comes up here latter than on the mainland, .....But what is that sound!

OK, mystery solved! Seals, and lots of them. Now this was a place I did not want to leave, although the water was way to cold to swim in. but all things do have to come to an end and I had to keep looking around.

Back at the top of the stairs I found another sight pointing to yes another beach, keep your eyes peeled for these little hints, some places are easy to miss

The steep cliffs gave way to gentle hills, on the beach here I found a fishing pole, although I had limited time, I couldn't resit casting a line and calling home.

Moving away from the beach I found a tractor, I will bet I am not the first to utilize this photo op and I am sure I will not be the last. I look down at my tummy, it's lunchtime, there must be somewhere to eat on this Island?

Found it! a small kiosk serving nice hot coffee, and a food truck. this is just over the half way mark and a perfect tome to eat! ...Come on Iv'e been busy you can wait!

Ok I am back next stop the small fishing port, I am going to try catch a boat to the small island jus off the coast.

Made it! next stop the small island, I was told to be careful not sure why? the captain said there would be signs and then I would understand.

That rock reminds me of something...Not sure what. Drat I just checked my watch, I need to get that last flight out, I am going to need to run....

One last look at the amazing Rock outcroppings This was an amazing trip. Don't forget subscribe or check back, I am going to try to visit a new place every week.


Coupe of notes This is rated A (Adult) and I have no idea why. There were not sex toys, beds or adult themes animations anywhere. It was quiet and very serene. Thanks to Ale for being a good sport.

  • I received a lovely note from Sombre Nyx the islands creator who informed me there was a campsite that I missed that gave instructions on how to reach Nightfall and Red House, and the build of Yes made by Jackson Cruff. Maybe the lovely Ale will help me discover that area.

Haraiki Bay A whisper of the Orkney Islands

My wardrobe came from Lenox

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